Thursday 27 August 2015

Lockup stage inspection - Take 2

It's been over 4 months since the house failed the original lockup inspection, so I was keen to see exactly what improvement had been made over the inspection which eventually led to all of the brickwork and sisalation being taken down and redone from scratch due to not being up to standard.

While the brickwork is infinitely better than the previous brickwork, there are still a few minor issues that need addressing. There are cracks in the mortar and pits/holes in the mortar work under the rubber seals of the windows. The brickwork also doesn't appear to have been cleaned that well and there is still traces of mortar that need to be cleaned away.

Probably about 40% of the eaves are out of line. The eaves doesn't follow the same course of brickwork all around the house and floats up and down.

Metal flashing that has been attached to the wall doesn't appear to actually sit over the brickwork that it is supposed to cover and instead we have a nice big gap between the two.

The insulation in the roof hasn't been cut to size or shape in most of the areas its been applied. It looks like whole sheets have just been laid across the top, rather than cut in to sections and fitted in to each gap as it should be.

I am surprised at the issues that were highlighted. All of these issues were very obvious and stuck out like a sore thumb when walking around. It just highlights to me that the work being done on the house still isn't being checked. These are simple things that really should have been picked up and resolved before inspection. 


  1. Hi Nick,

    Good to hear the brick work is better.

    I agree with the lack of checking to the house both by the SS and BSS inspections.

    Independent inspector is the only 'real' checking done to the house.

  2. Hi Nick
    What communication have you had from BSS in relation to these missed issues and who picked up on all the original brickwork etc not being to standard? It's not sounding like BSS are that independent and working in your interest? Do they provide you with a report or are their inspections purely for Porter Davis benefit?

    1. BSS, is that Building Site Supervisor?
      The site supervisor has informed me that the issues will be resolved asap. Porter Davis are desperate to move on with the build as they are now paying me compensation on a weekly basis as the original HIA contract expired on the 20th July.

      With regards to the brickwork, it wasn't picked up by either the site supervisor or the independent inspector. The inspector flagged the sisalation as being at fault and it was after Port Davis tried to rectify the sisalation that I was able to see the inside face of the brickwork and realise that something wasn't right - no mortar in the perpends. It was only then through my own investigation in to the standards and being pointed in the right direction by another independent inspector who is active on the homeone forums that I was actually able to bring this to Porter Davis' group building managers attention and get them to agree to tear down the sisalation and brickwork and do it again.

      Porter Davis have never provided me with a report and when I've asked about it in the past, I was told that the issues are identified and rectified without me ever knowing. I don't believe this to be the case based on the issues that have been discovered at every independent inspection. Most of the issues are too obvious that they would have easily be seen had anyone been looking for them. I'm now of the opinion that they just let the issues go and see what they get picked up on and rectify whats identified.

      My only advice is, get an independent inspector and if something isn't up to standard stand your ground until it's done correctly.

    2. Just to confirm, my independent inspector is not provided by Porter Davis. This is an independent company that I have bought it to check each stage of the build.

    3. Hi Nick, great blog ! I'm in the early stages of engaging Porter Davis to build a Rochford 40 myself. At which stage of the building process did you get the inspector from Darbecca to inspect the house ? Thanks. Mike.

    4. Mike, we opted to have the 4 main stages inspected. Pre-slab, post-slab/frame, lockup and PCI. Glad you like the blog, thanks.
