Friday, 29 January 2016

Pre PCI check

First time on site today since Nov and a chance for a quick look at the house before the PCI inspection which is scheduled for next month.

External mortar issues are being rectified and from what I can see so far, it's heading in the right direction, but the weather over the last week has delayed things a little, so it's not finished just yet. Fairly happy with how it looks, but will hold reservation until it's completed. Here's a sneak peak at one section that's been worked on;

Inside is where it's really been happening over the last 2 months. Most rooms now appear complete with just a few things that need doing before we get to PCI. Here's the photos;

As always there was a few issues, such as all the internal handles being wrong, unexplained cables coming out of walls and damage here and there, but these are minor and easy to fix.

Coming along nicely. Fingers crossed it all gets sorted before the PCI inspection.


  1. Good luck, the real fun happens after PCI and trying to get things fixed, then just wait for hand over, you will get used to hearing , "just wait till the three month inspection".

    1. Thanks.
      Based on the issues we've had during the build, I won't be accepting hand over until everything is correct/fixed - no matter how small. Problems that happen after moving in can be fixed at the 3 month stage, but I won't be giving them a free pass on anything before hand over due to the fact that we're already 6 months behind schedule and in my eyes that's more than enough time for them to have resolved any outstanding issues.

    2. I agree you have been so patient with PD, we built a Waldorf, spent on upgrades to bring it inline with the display cost, what lets PD down is poor workman ship from a small number of their subbies, unfortunately that is what sticks in your mind, again good luck.

  2. House is looking amazing now, you must be happy that you're getting close to the end...

    What color render are you going with on the front?

    1. Glad it's coming to a close, but not overly excited just yet due to the issues we've had along the way. It's soured the whole experience somewhat.

      We're going for 'rattle snake' colour on the render on the facade. Let's hope it looks like it did at World of Style.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have been following your blog closely and am in the midst of building Rochford 40M. What a beautiful colour selection you have and great to see your amazing house!!
    As there is no display with Rochford 40M, I wonder if you mind sharing some pictures on upperfloor looking into the rear bath and rooms from walkway next to leisure ? I noticed in the plan that there is a 300m deep bulkhead and a 530 wide wall and hard to imagine how what it looks like looking to the rear rooms from walkway along upper leisure...

    1. I've been through my photos and don't appear to have one showing the bulkhead. I'm there tomorrow, so will take one and upload in the next couple of days.

    2. Leon, I took some photo's today for you. Do you have an email address I can send them too?
