Friday 22 May 2015

Another invoice request

Despite on Monday being told that the front brickwork would be redone so that it correctly matches the signed plans, I have today again been requested to pay the invoice for lock-up stage.

Seems that Porter Davis are still having internal communication issues.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

More bricking issues

With re-inspection of the lock-up stage due to happen this week, I took the opportunity to go over the blog and see how things had changed. One thing I noticed was an additional unsightly articulation joint on the front of the house that isn't present in the plans.


Completed build with the additional articulation joint.

If this hadn't been on the front wall of the house and completely changed the visible symmetry of the bricks, then we'd probably have let it go, but unfortunately it completely changes the look of the house and is not what we agreed to when we signed the contract based on all the pictures we were shown of what the finished product would look like.

I was a bit unhappy about this and decided to do some research and was lucky enough to find other examples of our design that didn't have the articulation joint and had been correctly built to plan.

The advertising picture (with no additional articulation joint);

Another completed home of the same type (with no additional articulation joint).

I've today spoken with the site supervisor and he's agreed to re-do that section of brickwork again (for the third time), so that it matches the plans. The downside to this is that it's going to push us back again and we're already 5 weeks behind schedule due to the previous lock-up inspection that also failed due to problems with the brickwork.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If the tradesmen were correctly supervised and all worked checked for correctness before declaring a stage complete, these issues wouldn't happen and everyone would be much happier. This kind of error should have been found and corrected long before I got to see it.